Try our Brand New “Pit Shark” Hip Loaded Squat!

We pulled out all the stops! For our members we purchased every attachment; Dip Bars, Front Squat straps, Weighted Push Up Harness. You can perform virtually every exercise with a custom mix of gravity and Elastic Band resistance!
Why Women Should Lift Weights (Resistance Training)

Ladies, if you want get fit, you need to lift weights. Learn the many benefits of strength training, and get started with this complete training plan! Weightlifting won’t get you bulky or turn you into a she-hulk. But you will gain confidence, self-esteem, and a bangin’ body.
The Initial Pull for the Snatch and Clean

Just like we all tend to focus on the snatch and clean more than the jerk when it comes to technical discussions in weightlifting, we tend to focus more on the second and third pulls of the snatch and clean than the first because that seems to be where all the thrill and glory lie. […]
10 Reasons To Work With a Personal Trainer

We all need a little help with exercise sometimes, whether we’re just starting out or we’ve been at it for a long time. Still, there are people who shy away from personal training, unsure of what they’ll get out of the experience or whether it’s worth the money.
The Best Bars in Manhattan are at “Mid City Gym!”

WANT A CHALLENGE!? If it involves a new kind of Bar come to “MID CITY GYM.” We Have it All! -And the Expertise to show you how it’s done! NO OTHER GYMS IN NYC OFFER THIS VARIETY !
TRAIN! @ Mid City Gym

Looking for a gym to train yourself or your clients that:_ is easy to get to_ trainer and client friendly_ tons of kettlebells, balls, ropes_ Equiped for Olympic Lifting _ Plenty of open space_Longest Running Gym in the Country Then Mid City Gym is the answer!